Friday 26 December 2014

又是歲末冬至,朋友相聚,聊起就學外地工作時代,每逢佳節倍思鄉,也因為同是異鄉客,夥伴们相互扶持.相知建立的難兄難姐情感,更為珍貴!我提議可像國外YH.BACKPAKER總會週六日替住客辦相聚活動,於是有空房的朋友集聚思議:火車站前與文化中心附近的電梯大樓,租給需要的朋友,並每月合辦年輕人分享活動,出租期間輪流帶看,有須要者可 簡訊0928737701或 七月暑假接hippo台日homestay交流,策劃如下活動 主題:2015 國際文化交流 Hippo 日本青少年來台homestay 活動 A.主持:日本hippo言語交流研究所與台灣南方國際交流平台 時間:7月30日(週四)13.30-15.00 內容:參觀鹽埕圖書館與手作紀念品互送 地點:鹽埕圖書館六樓 B.時間:7月30日(週四)19.00-20.30 主持:日本hippo言語交流研究所與台灣外展教育協會 內容:唱跳 遊戲 分享 表演 地點:文化中心圖書館四樓 (和平路)

Monday 17 November 2014


歷經4年的等待,全球首度嘗試懸吊式建築圖書館的高雄市立圖書館新總館於今(13)日落成,高雄市長陳菊特率市府團隊前往主持啟用典禮,除感謝各界合力促成,引領高雄城市轉型,打造永續發展的知識殿堂,她也表示,新總圖硬體建設完全由市政預算支應,館內百萬藏書則完全由民間募款購買,政府和民間通力圓夢,除創造一永恆的文化印記,更是高雄以閱讀和世界接軌的門戶。 A Great Event of Koahsiung Opened A New Main Library given as a great gift to citizens on 13 November. Then, a huge green construction was built at a square by Sinkong Road, one of the most beautiful Avenue nears the Marine park of Kao Port, the invited guests came from local enterprises, residence of the city, and some library expertisers from Taiwan and aboard such as Japan, America, Korea, Swiss, Australia, Tailand, Holand, are attending this morning. A big activity for the ceremony of opening main library was taken, the Mayor Chen Jie and the chief of Culture Bureau Shi Ce the projector, and the architect are all have a lecture telling the origin idea and the process of the design. Then, comes after the ceremony activity, there will have a two days conference about the management of the Library expertising experences sharing by the experts from guests countries on 13 afternoon and 14 November. Revenue is at the international conference hall on the top floor. There are 448 seats of the audience.